# This document describes how to install or update MacrowingArchiving in silent mode. # Note: If you only need to run the installer without GUI environment, # you can also use console mode (-i console) to perform installation interactively from the command-line. # Silent installer is a completely automated way to install/update the product. # ==> Limited console message will be issued. # Install/update status can be checked using return code ($? or %ERRORLEVEL%). # In case of failure, please check the ia_install_log.txt in the temp folder. # Silent installation/update can be done in 3 ways: # - by running installMacrowingArchiving.bin -i silent # --> Silent setup will be done with all default values. # - by running installMacrowingArchiving.bin -i silent -f silent_install.txt # --> "silent_install.txt" is a file identical to the one you're reading, with modified parameters. # - by running installMacrowingArchiving.bin -i silent -DOPTION1=X -DOPTION2=Y # --> Silent setup will be done with default values except for the value provided. # Parameters and values are given below. # Information: Some parameters only apply to some specific modes (agent, server, install, update). # This is reflected in each parameter's header section. # Uncomment the parameters you need by removing the # # ================ Generic considerations regarding hostname or IP ============================================ # During installation, the setup will check if chosen hostname or IP is neither localhost nor # If these values are not valid, the setup will fail. # ================ Generic considerations regarding ports ===================================================== # During installation, the setup will check if chosen port is not declared and not used. # If the port is the default one and has been declared (for example in /etc/services for Unix), # the setup will continue but will fail if in use. # If the chosen port is not the default one, # it must not be declared and also not in use to avoid that the setup will fail. # ================ Installation Folder ( install only ) ======================================================== # Description: Select install location # Default values: # Unix: "/MacrowingArchiving" # Windows Server install: c:\\MacrowingArchiving # Windows Agent install : c:\\Program Files\\MacrowingArchiving # Acceptable values: Valid path (with double backslashes for Windows) INSTALL_DIR=/MacrowingArchiving # ================ Installation Mode ( install only ) ========================================================== # Description: Select components to install # Default value: "Server" Mode will be selected # Acceptable values: # - "Server": Installing server component # - "Agent" : Installing agent component INSTALLATION_TYPE=Server # ================ Backup Acknowlegement ( update only ) ======================================================= # Description: # (For Server update) When the Database version changes, you need to set this value to DONE to acknowledge # the fact that you have performed a REQUIRED manual backup before running the update. # Default value: # Acceptable values: "DONE" #SERVER_BACKUP=DONE # ================ Server Hostname ( AGENT install only ) ====================================================== # Description: # When installing an Agent, you must provide the MacrowingArchiving server hostname # to automatically attach this agent to the server. # The Agent will contact the server by using the HTTPS port to auto-discover its SERVER_PORT and tunables. # If the Server cannot be contacted, the installation will be done using the SERVER_PORT (see below). # Note: In that case, some specific tunables, # such as the network encryption tunables, provided by the Server will not be applied. # SERVER_NAME: # No default value: Setting this variable is MANDATORY # Acceptable values: A valid MacrowingArchiving Server hostname or IP, and, optionnaly port and/or protocol to use # HTTPS_PORT: # Default value: 443 # Acceptable values: Any valid TCP Port number #SERVER_NAME=centos7mini #HTTPS_PORT=443 # ================ Server Port ( SERVER or AGENT install ) ===================================================== # Description: # When installing an Agent or a Server, you can provide the MacrowingArchiving server port. # During an agent installation, this is used only if auto-discovery failed. # Default value: # If Server 2524 # If Agent Autodetected by contacting the server. If cannot contact: 2524 # Acceptable values: A valid MacrowingArchiving Server Port # WARNING: Changing this value for the Server installation implies to have all agents using this value. SERVER_PORT=2524 # ================ HTTP-HTTPS and port Selection ( SERVER install and update ) ================================ # Description: # Select protocol and TCP communication ports used for Interfaces connection to Server. # WARNING: These can be changed during an update but any firewall rules won't be updated automatically. # Default values: # HTTP_SELECTED=1 and HTTPS_SELECTED=1 # HTTP_PORT=80 and HTTPS_PORT=443 # Acceptable values: # 0 or 1 for "HTTP_SELECTED" and "HTTPS_SELECTED" # Any valid and unused TCP Port numbers for "HTTP_PORT" and "HTTPS_PORT" HTTP_SELECTED=1 HTTP_PORT=80 HTTPS_SELECTED=1 HTTPS_PORT=443 # ================ Firewall configuration ( SERVER and AGENT install only ) ==================================== # Description: # Enable automatic firewall configuration. The setup will open Firewall for the needed ports: # If Server 2524/tcp # If Server and HTTP selected /tcp # If Server and HTTPS selected /tcp # If AMM selected /tcp # # Default value: 1 # Acceptable values: 0 or 1 SETUP_FW=1 # ================ Media Manager installation type ( install and update ) ====================================== # Description: Select Media Manager components to install (or added if 1st install was "None"). # Default value: # - "Server" when the setup is in Server mode (INSTALLATION_TYPE=Server), # Media Manager Server and Agent will be installed. # - "Agent" when the setup is in Agent mode (INSTALLATION_TYPE=Agent), # only Media Manager Agent will be installed. # Acceptable Values: "None", "Server" or "Agent" # - "Server" Install both Media Manager Server and Agent # - "Agent" Install only Media Manager Agent # - "None" Do not install any Media Manager component (can be modified during update) #AMM_INSTALLATION_TYPE=Server # ================ Media Manager port selection ( install only ) =============================================== # Description: Select Media Manager TCP communication port # Default value: 651 # Acceptable values: Any valid and unused TCP Port number #AMM_PORT=651 # ================ Media Manager Server Hostname ( Media Manager AGENT install only ) ========================== # Description: # When installing Media Manager Agent, you can provide the Media Manager server hostname. # To automatically attach this agent to the server, set this value. # # Default value: # - When MacrowingArchiving is in Server mode, No default value: Setting this variable is MANDATORY # - When MacrowingArchiving is in Agent mode, Same value as SERVER_NAME # Acceptable values: A valid Media Manager Server hostname or IP #AMM_SERVER_NAME= # ================ Media Manager Device Detection Hostname ( Media Manager SERVER and AGENT install only ) ===== # Description: Enable automatic device detection after install # Default value: # - 1 when AMM_INSTALLATION_TYPE=Server # - 0 when AMM_INSTALLATION_TYPE=Agent # Acceptable Values: 0 or 1 #AMM_DETECT_DEVICES=0